Thursday, 12 February 2015

individual comedy piece 22/01/15

Today I made a start on creating my own solo comedy piece.
 I wrote down notes on what style of comedy I could perform.
- Self deprecation- talking bad about yourself " I am the type of person who....." "every time I...."
- Character comedy/ Caricature
- Musical comedy
- Banter
- Parody
-Story telling
- Monologue

I came up with the idea of talking about one of my friends.
The funny thing about her is that she's not the cleverest of people. very gullible and not the brightest of people. I had a funny story about my friend where she went into her school (which is Jewish) with a Nazi sign drawn on her hand, and another story were her twin brother tricked into looking like a total 'twat'.
My noted for this performance are:

- start with a flipboard/chart
-doodle funny drawings to make audience laugh the start talking about Liv. Describe who she is, what she looks like.
- draw Liv.
- Tell the audience about how she wanted to be a tattoo artist
- bought a fake tattoo pen
- Goes to jewish school
- say I was driving past her school one day and saw her walking home like a absolute....

This idea will need expanding and a lot of testing out.

-monologue style.

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